36 Days of Type 05
I decided to tackle the 36 Days of Type challenge on Instagram once again, this time in an attempt to develop my landscape drawing skills, which I know isn't my forte.
The aim remained the same as last time - to use typography as a starting point from which to develop a world or landscape, evolving it enough to separate it from its original form.
I found that in the end, I'm not that bad at developing landscapes, I just don't enjoy it that much! It was only when I began to introduce characters more heavily into these landscapes and worlds that I started to have more fun with the work. It made it easier for me to develop stories about the work, and describe the scenes and why they looked the way they did.
I also recorded every single letter I did, in an attempt to show my creative process, and how something as established as a letter form can evolve into a completely different work of art. This was also an interesting process as it recorded my colour choices, ideas that spurred from mistakes, and often the struggle and indecisions I faced whilst working with certain letters or numbers.
You can find these process videos on my Facebook Page and Instagram
Hope you enjoy it!